A sudden burst of pang leaves you unable to move, stretch, walk, sleep, or bend. An overpowering ache accompanies every simple movement! Sciatica can be a severe trouble maker.!
So What is Sciatica?
When there is a herniated disc or a bone spur in the spine, it presses on our sciatic nerve, causing pain to spread down the leg. And the sciatic nerve runs from our buttock to the back of our thigh and into the leg. As a result, sciatica is recognised for causing leg pain. It's often accompanied by lower back pain, which can travel to the foot in some situations. Sciatica pain, which can affect one or both legs, usually appears after 30 and becomes more severe as the person grows older.
Gridhrasi: An Ayurvedic Approach to Sciatica.
According to the timeless science of Ayurveda, Vata (The air element) is responsible for any bodily pain. The Vata dosha is also in charge of regular locomotion and physical functionality, as well as nervous reflexes. As a result, sciatica is caused by Vata vitiation. Sciatica is also linked to the Kapha dosha, which is responsible for lubrication and bodily fluids. Sciatic pain is caused by the water element Kapha vitiation in conjunction with Vata (Vata-Kaphaja).
The goal of Ayurvedic treatments is to restore equilibrium by correcting the underlying functional in-equilibrium. Ayurvedic remedies for Sciatica focus on restoring balance to the exacerbated vata and Kapha, and hence to health.
Ayurvedic Remedies For Sciatica.
Dhanyamla dhara :
The fermented liquid created from medicinal plants and cereals is known as Dhanyamla. This fermented liquid is poured over the body at a specified height, temperature, and rhythm and is part of the Dhanyamla Dhara preparation. This soothing Ayurveda therapy helps with inflammatory diseases and Vata issues.
Abhyanga swedam :
An Ayurvedic body massage includes individual, seasonal, and ailment-specific therapeutic oils alongside the herbal steam bath called Sweda and scrubs. Sweda aids in the opening up of skin pores and removing toxins through them. The 90 min procedure helps in a widespread evacuation of endotoxins.
Pathrapotali swedam (Elakizhi) :
This treatment, also known as leaf bag massage, uses fresh leaves from anti-vata plants, curcumin, coconut leaves, lemon, and other herbal substances. This traditional massage with medicated leaves has many benefits, including alleviating muscle stiffness and joint problems, particularly backache, lubricating joints, enhancing peripheral blood circulation, purifying circulation channels, and eliminating toxins from the body.
Sarvangadhara (Pizhichil) :
Pizhichil, an essential procedure in the Panchakarma treatment methodologies of Ayurveda, combines oil and heat therapy to promote blood circulation and eliminate Ama, aka the endotoxins from the body. A rejuvenating massage is performed after the medicated oil is placed on our body by squeezing it from a towel.
Kadeevasthy :
"Kadee" refers to the lower back, whereas "vasthi" refers to a pool. Medicinal oil is poured over the lower back in this treatment. Low back pain due to degeneration, disc bulge, sciatica, and muscular spasms might all benefit from this Ayurvedic therapy.
Navarakizhi :
Navarakizhi is an Ayurvedic therapy that strengthens and rejuvenates the body by generating perspiration. Shali Shashti Sweda is another name for this dish. Rice is called Shali, a poultice is called Pinda, and sweat is called Sweda. The Shashtika Shali is a form of rice harvested in 60 days and later processed with milk and herbal decoctions for Ayurvedic therapies like navarakizhi.
Vasti (the most effective therapy in Ayurveda for permanently healing Sciatica) :
Vasti Karma is a medicinal treatment in which natural drugs are injected into the body via lower channels, most commonly the anus. It eliminates poisons that have accumulated throughout the body. Vasti is usually used to alleviate vata dosha, although it can also be tridoshahara and have samsodhana and shaman effects. It's also great for rejuvenating treatments, especially during recovery.
These treatments aid in optimising the inflammatory changes and underlying causes of Sciatica, as well as help to alleviate spasms besides nerve compressions in the affected area. The pillar is the strength and nourishment of the entire spine and supporting tissues. Depending on the severity of the ailment, the treatment period usually ranges from 4–to 5 weeks.
Pain can be excruciating, and it varies from one person to the next. It's more difficult if we don't know what's causing the problem. It is therefore unavoidable to be aware of the reason and solution to bear with the pain.! Let's alleviate the pain with the proper medical measures.